Medication Administration Procedure
Parents should schedule medication administration in such a manner that medication brought to school should be kept at a minimum. (2 times a day-before school and after, 3 times a day-before school, after school, bedtime)
A PARENT/GUARDIAN must deliver ALL MEDICATION to the campus clinic. Students are prohibited from carrying medication on their person. Students who are in possession of any form of medication could face consequences.
Medication brought to school by the student will not be given.
No medication will be given at school without a written request by the parent AND physician using the FISD Medication Administration Request Form available in the campus clinic or on the FISD website under Health Services Forms. The physician must be licensed to practice medicine in the United States.
LONG-TERM MEDICATIONS – all long-term medications require a new FISD Medication Administration Request Form each new school year.
Prescription medications should be brought to school in the original container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy. Parent/Guardian should request that the pharmacist dispense two (2) bottles of medication, one for home and one for school.
Please note: Complete orders are required for school dispensing of Over-the-Counter Medications. Over-the-counter medications must be brought to school in a new, unopened bottle. It is recommended that the parent/guardian take this form to the student’s scheduled doctor’s visit, to avoid extra clinician office fees.
Controlled medications in liquid form should be in an unopened bottle from the pharmacy with the total amount clearly written on the label.
If the medication is given at home, please have the pharmacy label a second bottle for school.
All changes in dosage of medication must be in writing on a new FISD Medication Administration Form from the student’s physician and signed by the parent.
The first dose of all new medication must be administered by the parent/guardian 24 hours before requesting the medication be given at school.
ALL MEDICATION WILL BE STORED IN THE NURSE'S OFFICE except in accordance with the following special circumstances:
STUDENTS WITH ASTHMA. A student who has written authorization from his or her physician and parent and who meets all other requirements may be permitted to possess and self-administer prescription asthma medicine while on school property or at a school-related event. The student and parent(s) must consult the school nurse if the student has been prescribed asthma medication for use during the school day.
STUDENTS WITH DIABETES: A diabetes management and treatment plan must be developed and implemented for each student with diabetes who will seek care for the student’s diabetes while at school or while participating in a school activity. A student who has written authorization from his or her physician and parent, and who meets all other requirements, may be permitted to possess all related supplies and to practice self-care while on school property or at a school-related event. The student and parent(s) must consult the school nurse if the student has been prescribed diabetes medication for use during the school day or during a school-related activity.
STUDENTS WITH AN EPI-PEN: A student who has written authorization from his or her physician and parent, and who meets all other requirements, may be permitted to possess and self-administer an Epi-pen while on school property or at a school-related event. The student and parent(s) must consult the school nurse if the student has been prescribed this medication for use at any time during the school day or during a school-related activity.
PROCEDURES: All procedures, treatments, and/or special nursing interventions to be performed at school will require a physician’s order and signed written request by the parent.
Documentation signed by the physician will include:
Procedure required
Reason Procedure Needs to be done at school to include diagnosis
Instructions for the specific procedure as needed for the student
Time & Frequency procedure is needed
Special instructions regarding the required procedure, treatment, nursing intervention
FISD does not stock, supply, or administer any medication other than that supplied by the parent with appropriate physician's paperwork except in the case of fever.
FEVER: In an event in which a student has a high temperature of 102.5 degrees or greater, Tylenol (acetaminophen) as per packet insert directions may be administered with approval from the campus principal and District Nurse, provided that the student does not have a medical contraindication to Tylenol (acetaminophen). Attempts will be make to contact a parent prior to administering Tylenol (acetaminophen).
FIELD TRIPS, AFTER-SCHOOL, AND OFF-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES: Teachers or other district staff, as designated by the campus principal, will have the responsibility of administering medications while on field trips. Medications or procedures that require special training will be the responsibility of the parent.
For day trips: The nurse will prepare the dose(s) needed and label with:
Student Name
Time Medication is To Be Given
Any special instructions
If liquid medication must be administered on field trips, the parent must provide a pharmacy-labeled single-dose or parent must accompany student and administer the medication.
In the case of out-of-school (after-school) activities or overnight trips: It is the parent’s responsibility to contact the appropriate administrator and/or designated staff member regarding the medication administration needed. The parent permission and medication administration will be the responsibility of the staff member designated by the campus principal. The district nurse (RN) or campus nurse (RN/LVN) will be available prior to the activity for consultation only.
If you have any questions, please contact your child's school nurse at:
Donna Lynn, MSN, RN | Floresville High School | Floresville Middle School |
Floresville North Elementary | Floresville South Elementary | Floresville Alternative Education Center |
Floresville Early Childhood Center |