Mrs. Carrie Ploch has been with Floresville ISD for 12 years, teaching at both North and South elementary schools. She’s been a teacher and an instructional coach. Mrs. Ploch has a very unique job. She is the behavior specialist, new teacher mentor, and web master at Floresville Early Childhood Center. Nonetheless, she is a coach, a nurse, a counselor, a decorator, a lunchroom magician, a car line specialist, a bus duty perfectionist and everyone calls her throughout the day to help in some way. She is available for all, always. She knows every student, goes in all directions, quickly and ready. She will assist with anything and it’s amazing that she does all these things without ever complaining. She loves these kids and most importantly, they love her. The staff at FECC joke that Mrs. Ploch has a magic wand or dust she sprinkles because even the most escalated situations that most people would give up on, she seems to handle with such ease.
This past Christmas, the district assisted families in need. A few families were chosen to receive gifts from our district. While these families were being identified, Mrs. Ploch decided on her own to adopt two families in need and create a Christmas surprise. Mrs. Ploch, on her own, went out and got a child a new bed and mattress. She knew the child’s favorite character and bought bed sheets, comforters and pillows with that character, and she and her husband went after work to deliver that bed with a dresser. When she got there, they began to set up the bed and noticed that the frame and the box spring were different sizes. They quickly dismantled the bed, gathered all the materials and went back to the store to get the correct size. They then went back to the home, set up the bed, put on the new paw patrol bed sheets and comforter, set up the new dresser and laid out the new toys for the child. Mrs. Ploch always goes out of her way to help our kids.
One other thing to mention is that she regularly orders from Amazon - out of her own pocket - super cool play equipment for our playground. Most recently, she went to the new Five and Below and purchased durable balls and hula hoops so that our kids constantly have new toys and activities. She never tells anyone what she does, but it doesn't go unnoticed. She is an absolute joy to work with and she is a person with great character, leadership and kindness. Her tenacity and determination in everything she does are admirable. She refuses to give up on any of our students, ever. She sees our them through the eyes of God and treats them with the utmost respect.
Mrs. Ploch is a true representation Floresville ISD's of core beliefs, and we are fortunate to have her on our team.