Family & Community Services
What does the Family & Community Services Department do?
The Family and Community Services Department's mission is to bridge the gap between home, school, and the community. The primary goal of the department is to provide support services and resources to remove barriers hindering success. The Family and Community Specialist is committed to empowering families to provide for their basic needs and to resolve any social, emotional, or behavioral issues.
Advocate for students, parents, and the school.
Attendance monitoring and support.
Behavioral health counseling.
Case management services including, but not limited to, referrals to community resources, collaboration with other professionals.
Conduct home visits.
Consultation with teachers/principals and other faculty to identify goals for student success.
Contribute to a multidisciplinary team.
Coordination of services to meet the needs of students/families.
Crisis management services, including safety assessments.
Student and parent intervention to help the student succeed at school.
Support groups for students and parents.
Students and families of Floresville Independent School District.
Referrals are handled as they are received and/or prioritized according to need.